

1 large carrot cut into bite size pieces
2 pieces celery with leaves cut into large chunks
2 hand fulls of spinach
1 tablespoon oil
Salt & pepper to taste
Meat of your choice (chicken, 9adit, beef) cut into bite size pieces
3 tablespoons tomato paste
1/2 tablespoon harissa (more or less depending on how spicy you like it)
Handful of noodles (homemade are best but spaghetti works too)*

1.  Saute carrots, celery, and spinach in oil until carrots start to get soft.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.
2. Stir in meat, tomato paste, harissa (mixed with a little bit of water).
3. Give the tomato paste a minute to cook (make sure it doesn’t burn on the bottom) then add in enough water to cover with about two cups more on top.
4. Let everything simmer for about 45 minutes. (Check every now and then and add a little more water as needed.)
5. If you’re using fresh, homemade pasta, turn off the heat and submerged the noodles in the soup.  If using store bought allow the noodles to boil per the instructions on the box before turning off the heat.

*To make noodles mix 1 cup flour, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 2 tablespoons water into a smooth dough.  Let rest for 30 minutes then roll thin and cut into strips.


I enjoy making homemade pasta (check out my tortellini recipe here).  It’s not a difficult task and it makes me feel really accomplished.  The other day I made a batch of fettuccine style noodles and was planning on doing a white mushroom sauce.  My husband saw the tray of noodles and said “oh! You’re going to make rechta with vegetables, right!”  I had a slight panic attack and said NO WAY!  You see, rechta is one of my favorite dishes.  It’s hot and soupy and has doughy noodles.  Sometimes it comes with fava beans and others it’s made with rich and chewy 9adit (preserves meat, think, sheep jerky).  I was so scared of screwing up the recipe that I insisted on keeping to my original plan.  As soon as he left for the cafe I had a change of heart and decided to do my best to surprise him.  I took my pen and paper to my mother-in-law and said HELP!  She very happily walked me through the steps and sent me home with some homemade harissa to top it all off.  I set to work and, guess what, it was SUPER easy and it turned out tasting just like my mother-in-law’s!  My husband was so pleased with the results, and now I’m proud to have another recipe under my belt.


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